CRH Group Services
DVF have been supplying CRH Group Services with their multi-lingual health and safety training books for over a decade.
Because we have three different methods of binding we can handle all their requirements from smaller information booklets that are stapled on the spine to larger books that are glue bound or wiro bound.
Wiro binding is ideal for a workbook that may need to be filled in during a training seminar as it can be opened flat.
Over the years we have supplied CRH with the full range of our products and services including graphic design, printing and binding of books, pocket folders, conference packs and exhibition stands.
“DVF have been a strategically aligned partner to CRH Group Services for almost 15 years. Their team have designed and produced our training manuals, senior management packs and seminar materials, shipping them to all parts of the world in a wide variety of languages.”
Michael Keating – HSE Director at CRH Europe